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Estoy Aqui, Art Installation
Esrawe + Cadena

Photo Credits: Mi Casa, Your Casa 2.0,
a creation of Esrawe + Cadena (© 2023)

Esrawe + Cadena
Mi Casa, Your Casa 2.0

Producteur de tournée / Tour Producer: Creos
Home sweet home
Mi Casa, Your Casa is inspired by the mercados of Latin America, lively street markets where human connections are made every day. The installation features a series of three-dimensional red frames that illustrate the warmth, comfort, and safety of our homes. With their basic shape recognizable by all, the tiny houses form a blank canvas for community engagement and activity, where people of all ages can socialize in a playful spirit. The swing invites the passer-by to settle comfortably in the small houses and to relax by swaying quietly in a unique environment! When a casa is empty, a welcoming white glow bids you to enter. Once inside, the glow intensifies to show that someone is home.

Did you know? The swings are made of urban ash! They give a second life to the trees were cut down by the City of Montreal because of the emerald ash borer.


Created by LUCION Media
Distributed by Wireframe | Public Art Agency

Since its inauguration at the 2012 “Luminotherapy” event in Montreal, moonGARDEN has travelled the world, visiting the Fête des Lumières in Lyon, along with Brussels, Jerusalem, Moscow, Washington, Mexico City, Medellin, Houston and Beijing. The show has been seen by over 1 million people and offers an unequivocal invitation into the world of dreams.

The ambiance for the show was inspired by the theory of sets, a branch of mathematics that illustrates notions of sets and belonging. For us, moonGARDEN is the perfect metaphor for a more inclusive world.

moonGARDEN is composed of 5 self-inflating reinforced vinyl spheres from 6 to 15 feet in diameter. They broadcast shadow theatres produced by laser cuts placed on rotating trays and lit by Fresnel lamps.

A light program synchronizes the colour play of all the spheres alternating with the shadow theatre's display. The visual experience is captivating given the shadows' texture and the compositions' perpetual rotating nature.


Chaotic Diffusion

Chaotic Diffusion

Audiovisual Interactive Installation by David Elias Delgado

"Chaotic Diffusion" is an interactive installation that uses live video feed, software programming, and projections to create a digitally augmented environment that visually responds to physical movement and ambient sound in real-time. The installation relies on a video feedback loop, which functions as a working scientific chaotic system, visually demonstrating the properties of chaos theory in a highly engaging way. A live web-camera is positioned pointing directly at its projection, causing a perpetual video feedback loop which naturally distorts the image into a static of abstract graphics, participants who enter space interact with the visuals, witnessing and experimenting with the properties of chaos theory.

Chaos theory is a branch of mathematics that studies the behavior of nonlinear dynamical systems that are highly sensitive to initial conditions, also known as chaotic systems. Chaos theory seeks to understand the underlying principles and patterns that govern these complex and unpredictable systems. Chaotic systems are found in many areas of science and engineering, including weather patterns, flu id dynamics, population growth, and the behavior of the stock market. While they can be difficult to predict and control, chaotic systems are also fascinating and have led to many important discoveries in science and mathematics.

As a functioning chaotic system, my work and proposed project will allow the audience to participate in the process of artmaking while presenting them with scientific concepts that are made accessible through simple, approachable elements that people of all ages can experiment with.

The installation will immerse visitors between two large projection screens, each with a visual program that responds to movement in unique ways. The projection screens are suspended from the ceiling or a steel frame, allowing visitors to experience and interact with the installation from either side of the screens.